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2025 Registration Form

Encore Swim Team is a competitive race team in San Jose. Swimmers from the ages of 5 to 18 participate in swim practices & swim meets from May through July each year. Although we are a competitive team, we are known for our fun, family & enthusiastic environment!

Go Dolphins!

Parents / Guardians
  • New accounts will be sent an email confirmation message with instructions to set up a password.
  • At least one parent/guardian is required to volunteer.
  • Previously registered parents/guardians cannot be edited during registration. Please contact your team's admin to request edits.

Parent / Guardian Information

Parent / Guardian Information

+ Add a parent / guardian to this registration
  • Previously registered athletes cannot be edited during registration. Please contact your team's admin to request edits.

Athlete Information

+ Add an Athlete to this registration
Home Address
Encore Swim Team

How did you hear about Encore Swim Team? *


Were you referred by a current Encore team member? If yes, please include their first and last name so that we can thank them!


What school does your child attend? Please list for each swimmer. *


I acknowledge that this registration is contingent upon my swimmer passing tryouts (new swimmers only). If the swimmer does not pass tryouts, then the full registration fee will be refunded.  ***Otherwise, there will be NO REFUNDS.***

I understand that no refunds will be given except if a swimmer does not pass tryouts. NO EXCEPTIONS.

I do hereby give consent for my child(ren) to actively participate in all activities of the Encore Swim Team.

I assume all risks and hazards incidental to participating in the Encore Swim Team approved activities and release Encore Swim Team, the Swim Team Board, Coaches, and Committee Members from any liability.

At least one parent or guardian is REQUIRED to sign up for a Volunteer Committee and sign the Family Participation Agreement unless you choose the buyout option.  Your volunteer obligation is at a family level - you will have the same volunteer obligation for one or multiple children.

Swimmers must provide their own transportation to and from meets. Encore Swim Team and its coaches are not responsible for children traveling to/from swim practice, meets, or any other team events. 

Enter your initials to indicate acceptance: *
Photography Release for Minor Child or Children

I hereby authorize Encore Swim Team, hereafter referred to as “Encore,” to publish photographs taken during the swim season of myself and/or my minor child(ren), and our names and likenesses, for use in the Encore Swim Team's Facebook page, website, fliers and any other promotional materials, as well as other Encore publications.

I hereby release and hold harmless Encore from any reasonable expectation of privacy or confidentiality for myself and/or for my minor child(ren). Further, I attest that I am the parent or legal guardian of the child(ren) and that I have full authority to consent and authorize Encore Swim Team to use their likenesses and names.

I further acknowledge that participation is voluntary and that neither I nor my minor child(ren) will receive financial compensation of any type associated with the taking or publication of these photographs or participation in Encore marketing materials or other Encore publications. I acknowledge and agree that publication of said photos confers no rights of ownership or royalties whatsoever.

I hereby release Encore Swim Team, its photographers of team functions, its board/committee members and any third parties involved in the creation or publication of Encore publications, from liability for any claims by me or any third party in connection with my participation or the participation of my minor children.

Encore Swim Team Parent / Swimmer Contract

The Encore Swim Team is coordinated and run by parent volunteers. In order to make the swim team season a success for our swimmers, parent participation from each family is essential. Swimmers also have a responsibility to their coach and fellow teammates to help their team be the best it can be. This contract is to make sure everyone understands what these responsibilities are so that we can work together to have the best season possible and to make it fun for everyone.


1. One parent/guardian per family are required to work 7 shifts.  This typically includes one shift per meet, including Time Trials and all meets, inclusive of our final Championships meet. If you cannot be in attendance at each meet, it is your responsibility to make arrangements to do a double shift at another meet to fulfill your volunteer obligation.  Family members are welcome to split coverage of these responsibilities as long as the family obligation is covered. 

2. Fees will be paid, emergency information provided, and Parent/Swimmer contracts must be acknowledged before a swimmer is allowed in the water for the first practice session.

3. Parents and Swimmers will maintain a positive and sportsmanship-like attitude to provide our children with a positive swimming experience.

4. Swimmers need to check in with their coach 30 minutes prior to the start of a swim meet.  This allows time for coaches to create and confirm relay team participants.

5. Swimmers are required to swim in two meets in order to qualify to swim at the Championship Meet.

6. Swimmers need to sign up for the events they will be swimming by the Monday before a meet.

7.  You will need to declare your swimmers the Monday prior to a meet.  This includes when they cannot attend. The Coaches need this information to form and adjust relay teams.  This also gives our data team enough time to create the meet schedule.

8. Swimmers will swim with their age group at practice unless prior arrangements are made with your coach. These will be considered on a case by case basis.

Enter your initials to indicate acceptance: *
Encore Swim Team Family Participation Agreement

Committee Member Responsibilities

1. Each family must work one shift at Time Trials, each meet AND one shift at the Championship meet (a total of seven shifts) or make arrangements to do a double shift at another meet when they cannot attend a meet.  Family members are welcome to split coverage of these responsibilities as long as the family obligation is covered. This requirement is at the family level, so multiple swimmers per family does not change the number of volunteer shifts required. 

2. If you will be on vacation or unable to attend the meet, it is your responsibility to find a replacement to fulfill your shift obligation and to inform your committee chair as early as possible of the change or inform your committee chair to find out if you can work a double shift at another meet.  This allows our meets to run smoothly!

3. You must check in prior to the start of the meet and be on time for the start of your shift.

4. If you are unable find a replacement for your shift or do a double shift at another meet, then $50 each shift you miss will be deducted from your $300 family participation check.  Please let the volunteer coordinator know as soon as possible if you believe that you will not be able to fulfill your obligation.  

A pre-season check for $300 is required. When ALL the above requirements are met, the check will be voided and shredded at the end of the season.

Valley Aquatic League Swim Team Waiver & Release Agreement

In consideration for permission to participate in swim team activities and enter upon the premises of any hosting facility (or any rented facilities), today and on all future dates, I, for myself, and on behalf of the minor child(ren) identified above, our heirs, personal representatives and/or assigns, do hereby release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue any of the teams or clubs participating in swim team activities (specifically including Westgate Swim Team, Los Ranchitos Swim Team, Encore Swim Team, Los Gatos Swim and Racquet Club, Rancho Rinconada Swim Team and Forest Park Swim Team), its directors, officers, owners, employees, affiliated clubs, coaches, independent contractors or agents (all collectively referred to herein as the “Team”), from liability for any and all claims for personal injury, illness, death, property damage, or any other claim, including but not limited to claims arising out of the negligence of the Team, its employees or its agents. This waiver and release of liability applies to all Team activities, without limitation, regardless of whether participation requires the Participant to leave the premises of any of the specifically identified Team’s premises or facilities.

It is expressly agreed that attendance at and participation in any and all swim team activities, including but not limited to the use of the premises of any Team or any premises rented by any Team for an event, without limitation and whether engaging in swimming or other physical activities or not, shall be undertaken by the minor participant at his/her sole risk, and the Team shall not be liable for any injuries or any damages to any minor participant, or the property of any minor participant, or be subject to any claim, demand, damages or causes of action arising out of the use of, or occurring on, any Team premises (included any premises rented by the Team) regardless of whether it was caused by the negligence of the Team. This waiver and release is intended to be as broadly interpreted as allowed under California law.

The Parent/Guardian also expressly acknowledges that by signing below he or she is relinquishing all rights he or she may have to sue the Team for injuries arising out of the use of any Team premises or facilities (including facilities rented by the Team).

The Parent/Guardian also acknowledges that he or she is relinquishing, on behalf of the minor children participating in swim team activities, all rights the child may have to sue the Team for injuries arising out of the use of the team facilities or premises regardless of whether the injuries were caused by the negligence of the Team or its employees or agents (including facilities rented by the Team).

Enter your initials to indicate acceptance: *